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Hallettsville ISD

Preparing our students for tomorrow by investing in them today

Academic Readiness


AP courses gives students the chance to tackle college-level work while they’re still in high school—whether they’re learning online or in the classroom. And through taking AP Exams, students can earn college credit and placement.

HISD AP Courses

English III (Advanced Placement) – This course is designed for college bound stdents. The course emphasizes an active reading of representatve works of literature toward the acquisition of an advanced vocabulary, the strengthening of reading comprehension, and the development of higher level thinking skills, all to be exhibited in the student’s written critical responses to the literature. Emphasis will be placed on writing. Course requirements include research papers and outside reading. The advanced placement test for college credit is given in May.

AP Calculus AB (Advanced Placement) – This intensive course is the final course of the high school advanced math program. Students will study functions and their limits, the derivation of algebraic functions with some of their application, and integration. Graphicing calculators will be used as a visual tool and are recommended for the class. Students will be encouraged to take the Advanced Placement exam in May. Upon passing the exam, students can earn college credit for the first semester of calculus.


Helpful Links for Creating an Account and Exploring the AP “Expierence”

The College Board’s AP Students page (opens in new window) is the home page and provides students a login screen (log in or register for your account), a calendar showing upcoming events and information regarding AP, and much more.

The College Board’s Explore AP page (opens in new window), gives students and families information that helps you understand what it takes, the “AP Experience,” the rewards of taking AP courses, how to enroll, and much more!

The College Board’s Credit and Placement page (opens in new window) lets you search colleges and universtities to se their respective AP credit policies.