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Hallettsville ISD

Preparing our students for tomorrow by investing in them today

Chromebook 1:1 

At Hallettsville ISD, we leverage technology to enhance our mission of equipping students with the essential skills, knowledge, and behaviors for success in the global community.

We understand the importance of guiding students to use technology in a meaningful, safe, and responsible manner. With these new opportunities come new responsibilities. We encourage students to embrace principles that romote responsible digital citizen ship.

Similarly, the purpose of the Chromebook 1:1 Program at Hallettsville ISD is to equip students with the tools and resources they need for today and the future. This program ensures access to digital educational resources, extends learning beyond the school day, supports individualized learning experiences, fosters technology literacy skills, encourages creativity and innovation, enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, promotes effective communication and collaboration, and facilitates access to remote learning.

Enrollment is now open for Chromebook Protection Plan through iTurity. You can sign up at:  Hallettsville ISD –

There is a window of opportunity to sign up. You can sign up now through September 13, 2024. After September 13, 2024 only students new to the district will be eligible to cover their devices for the remainder of the year. Coverage includes accidental breaks, keyboard damage, screen replacement, etc.

You will be required to fill out specific information related to your student and the device. We encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity.

Students are not required to purchase a protection plan. If you decide to decline coverage, a per-occurance repair fee will be charged for damages to Chromebooks. Chromebook chargers are not covered through the Chromebook Protection Plan. If a charger is damaged or lost, a $25.00 fee will be required for a replacement charger.